Naturally Green: People, Technology, Environment

Our commitment to the environment

WolfVision is a family-owned company, and consideration for future generations, and the world that they will live in is extremely important to us. Social and ecological responsibility is at the centre of everything we do.

We are certified ISO 9001 for quality management, and ISO 14001, ISO 50001 for environmental management standards. For a European manufacturer like WolfVision, stringent environmental protection directives also apply.

Directive 2002/95/EG RoHS – Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances.
Directive 2002/96/EG WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Regulation 1907/2006 REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.

WolfVision: Naturally Green: People, Technology, Environment

Our people

To help reduce CO2 emissions we cover the traveling costs of employees who prefer to use public transport. We provide showers and changing rooms for those who like to come to work by bike. Our energy-efficient air conditioning system with humidity control, together with numerous indoor green plants provide an excellent, healthy environment in our workspaces and relaxation areas.

WolfVision Worldwide Headquarters, Klaus, Vorarlberg, Austria


To reduce the environmental impact of transportation, our focus is to purchase locally with planned delivery intervals and lot sizes. 90% of our materials are supplied by local or nearby vendors, with only the remaining 10% from overseas.

WolfVision worldwide headquarters building in Klaus, Vorarlberg, Austria


We analyse our supply chain and have reduced freight transport and packaging material volumes. We use reusable packaging, store delivered packaging board and boxes and use them again. The EPS/Styrofoam that we use is 100% recyclable and, because of its low density, it results in far lower CO2 transport emissions.

WolfVision production facility, Vorarlberg, Austria


WolfVision systems are more than 95% recyclable, and do not contain any hazardous components such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB or PBDE. We are fully committed to environmentally friendly disposal of our products, and we also recycle materials such as plastic, glass, aluminium, wood, paper, and chemicals.

WolfVision: Naturally Green: People, Technology, Environment

Research and Development

Innovation at WolfVision is always ecologically minded. For example, we use automatically controlled circuits resulting in a minimal consumption during operation and standby, and electronic components with optimised energy consumption and a high photometric efficiency level by means of aspherical lenses and mirrors.

WolfVision meeting room


Our company building and manufacturing processes are focused on minimal energy consumption and high energy efficiency. We use underground thermal energy which is completely independent of fossil fuels. Since relocation to our new company building, we continuously monitor power consumption per employee, which has to date been reduced by 70%.

Production at WolfVision worldwide headquarters building in Klaus, Vorarlberg, Austria

Product Use & Service

Our products are often used in web conferencing, helping to reduce the need for travel. LED lighting and firmware optimisation reduces the energy consumption of WolfVision Ceiling Visualizers by 71%, and of Desktop Visualizers by 64%.

Long product life cycles and regular firmware updates optimise the environmental balance of each product. Remote maintenance reduces travel costs and our focus is to repair and not replace.

Ceiling Visualizer VZ-C6, Videoconference

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